Liked on YouTube: Is Islam a Religion of Peace?

Is Islam a Religion of Peace?
Is Islam a religion of peace? Is it compatible with Western liberalism? Or does Islam need a reformation, just as Christianity had the Protestant Reformation? Somali-born author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains. Donate today to PragerU:

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I was raised a practicing Muslim and remained one for almost half my life. I attended madrassas, that is, Islamic schools, and memorized large parts of the Quran. As a child, I lived in Mecca for a time and frequently visited the Grand Mosque. As a teenager, I sympathized with the Muslim Brotherhood.

At 22 while my family was living in Kenya, my father arranged my marriage to a member of our family clan, a man that I had never met. I ran away, made my way to Holland, studied there and eventually was elected a member of the Dutch parliament. Now I live in the United States.

In short, I have seen Islam from the inside and the outside.

I believe that a reform of Islam is necessary and possible. And only Muslims can make that reform a reality. But we in the West cannot remain on the sidelines as though the outcome of this struggle has nothing to do with us. If the jihadists win and the hope for a reformed Islam dies, the rest of the world will pay a terrible price. The terror attacks in New York, London, Madrid, Paris and many other places are only a preview for what is to come.

For this reason, I believe that it’s foolish to insist, as Western leaders habitually do, that the violent acts committed in the name of Islam can somehow be divorced from the religion itself. For more than a decade, my message has been simple: Islam is not a religion of peace.

When I assert this, I do not mean that Islamic belief makes all Muslims violent. This is manifestly not the case: There are many millions of peaceful Muslims in the world. What I do say is that the call to violence and the justification for it are explicitly stated in the sacred texts of Islam. Moreover, this theologically sanctioned violence is there to be activated by any number of offenses, including but not limited to adultery, blasphemy, homosexuality and apostasy—that is, to leave Islam.

Those who tolerate this intolerance do so at their peril.

As someone who has known what it is to live without freedom, I watch in amazement as those who call themselves liberals and progressives—people who claim to believe so fervently in individual liberty and minority rights—make common cause with the forces in the world that manifestly pose the greatest threats to that very freedom and those very minorities.

In 2014 I was invited to accept an honorary degree from Brandeis University for the work I have done on behalf of women’s rights in the Muslim world. That invitation was withdrawn after professors and students protested my criticism of Islam. My subsequent “disinvitation,” as it came to be called, was no favor to Muslims—just the opposite. By labeling critical examination of Islam as inherently “racist,” we make the chances of reformation far less likely. There are no limits on criticism of Christianity at American universities…or anywhere else for that matter. Why should there be of Islam?

Instead of contorting Western intellectual traditions so as not to offend our Muslim fellow citizens, we need to defend both those traditions and the Muslim dissidents who take great risks to promote them. We should support these brave men and women in every way possible.

Imagine a platform for Muslim dissidents that communicated their message through YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. These are the Muslims we should be supporting—for our sake as much for the sake of Islam.

For the complete script, visit

via YouTube

Liked on YouTube: Floaty bird floating

Floaty bird floating
The bird. He floats!

Camera is HIKVISION’s DS-2CD2342WD-I. 2688×1520@20fps
Yes it is a real bird. No I did not use strings.
No the footage is not edited. Yes I have YouTube slowing it down to make it easier to see.
Yes it is happening due to the capture frame rate matching the flap speed of the bird. No I did not adjust the camera for the bird.
No this is not a camera or truck commerical/advertisement. But I do like them both.

For licensing inquiries please contact [email protected].

via YouTube

Liked on YouTube: Are You Living an Insta Lie? Social Media Vs. Reality

Are You Living an Insta Lie? Social Media Vs. Reality
If you’re guilty of living an Insta Lie or know somebody that is, then this video is most certainly for you. We’re partnering up with to call out some of the funniest and most common Insta Lie’s posted on social media.

Insta Lie (verb): an intentionally false representation of real life on social media. Examples include:

1.) Tagging an edited and made-up selfie with #IWokeUpLikeThis;
2.) Taking a million selfies before deciding on just one to post as #Effortless 😕;
3.) Going all the way to Starbucks, buying a coffee and opening up your Macbook – taking a photo of your #WorkSpace, closing your Macbook and then going back home;
4.) Using filters to edit your travel photos – making them literally look #Unreal.

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Liked on YouTube: Ben Shapiro: jak se levice snaží potlačit svobodnou diskuzi

Ben Shapiro: jak se levice snaží potlačit svobodnou diskuzi
Show kanadského pravicového komentátora Briana Lilleyho. Hostem je konzervativní republikán Ben Shapiro, který přesně vysvětluje, jak levice dosahuje svých cílů a jak se bránit jejich nálepkám. Omlouvám se za překlepy.
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